
Created by Peter 14 years ago
Gill was a keen bowler and began playing in 1981. She was associated with Stratford Bowls Club and Welford Bowls Club for many years. She always underplayed her skill at the game but she had many notable successes. She particularly liked playing in the Mother & Daughter matches with Debbie. One year Debbie and Gill got down to the last 8 in a National competition. As a family we were a little unsure of some of the dates but Gill joined Welford BC following her daughter, Debbie, who decided to switch clubs. During her time at Welford, Gill was Ladies Captain and won the Ladies Club Singles title. She was also very successful in the 'Fixed Jack' competition and won it three years in a row. One of her proudest moments was playing as part of a very successful Welford Ladies team who represented one of the Midlands regions in Torquay in 2007. The team played brilliantly and they achieved third place in the All England Finals. Gill enjoyed playing indoor bowls as well - and Welford has one of the best facilities in the region. She and Ian both enjoyed playing bowls and Gill made some very strong friendships through bowls. She actually started playing at Southern Lane - which is now where The Other Place is in Stratford. The lease was running out and the theatre wanted the land back so they needed a new home. They eventually located a suitable site out at Tiddington. The early days at Stratford were full of fun and Aubrey Jaggard used to write a pantomime every year. This was performed in the old clubhouse and Aubrey used to include lots of in-jokes and mickey-taking in his scripts. One year was particularly memorable because Ian was persuaded to appear as one of the popular singers of the time - Boy George! Not only did Gill get to Bowl with Ian in those early days but also with her Dad, George, who she adored. Despite a hip operation and by his own admittance 'limited ability' he really enjoyed his bowls and the social aspects of being involved in such a friendly club. George was often the lead bowler but he thoroughly enjoyed the game and spending time with his friends, but most of all with his lovely daughter.
